DISX Secure Collaborative ENVIRONMENT
Logiq’s secure collaborative environment, DISX, delivers a seamless virtual workspace for both SMEs and Defence Contractors to engage with major Government departments including the MOD. DISX allows users to work flexibly across essential programmes and platforms, with virtual workspace solutions that encourage creativity and collaboration, all while ensuring the highest level of security is maintained.
As such, securing both government and business supply chains has never been easier. DISX is DEFCON 658 compliant and accredited to MOD and OGD standards, delivering unparalleled security without compromising on performance.
Logiq has a strong tradition of providing the very best security guidance to the public and private sectors. In 2018, we foresaw a problem. In order to deliver uncompromised outputs securely Logiq needed to develop a bespoke Defcon 658, DCPP-compliant, and DART-registered system solution.
The answer was developed utilising cutting-edge in-house expertise whilst working with HM Government security authorities. The solution, DISX, is a secure cloud platform and digital workspace that promotes flexible workflows whilst never compromising on security. As a government and security partner-approved solution, DISX is at the forefront of secure work environments.

Case Studies

Case Studies
Logiq has a long history of helping organisations achieve their desired goals with cutting-edge, secure solutions. In the past, we have been approached by both government and business organisations seeking bespoke solutions